How to Take Care of Your Toothbrush
Your toothbrush is an important tool that can give you the strong, healthy, and beautiful smile you deserve, which is why it’s best to take care of your toothbrush as much as possible. To help you do so, our team recommends doing the following things: –Rinse your toothbrush: It’s best to rinse your toothbrush with… Read more »
Extractions Replaced by a Bridge
The enamel layer on each of your teeth is made from densely packed microscopic mineral crystal structures that give your teeth the durability to bite off, chew, and grind your food. Unfortunately, there are extreme situations where an accidental fall or blow to the face can actually crack one of your teeth. Sometimes a crack… Read more »
Kid’s vs Toothpaste
Most people would agree that raising children can be complicated. For instance, tasks that should be simple may be more complex than you would normally expect. Even mundane tasks like brushing your little one’s teeth can, at times, seem nearly impossible—or at least not worth the effort. However, as you know, dental health is extremely… Read more »
Are You Looking for Whiter Teeth?
Tooth discoloration is a common phenomenon, so if your teeth are losing their whiteness and shine, you are not alone. Your teeth can become yellow, brown, and sometimes even grayish, depending on the cause, or you may just incur dark spots. Extrinsic stains are the kind that occur thanks to outside sources which are often in… Read more »
Toothpaste: A History
Brushing and flossing the teeth is imperative to oral health. Did you know that people have been cleaning their teeth and caring for their smiles since as early as 5000 BC? Let’s take a little journey through the history of toothpaste. The Egyptians started using a paste to clean their teeth around 5000 BC. Other… Read more »
Treatment Options for Canker Sores
Canker sores are not only painful and distracting; if left untreated, they can become infected and cause a whole new list of health concerns. If you develop a canker sore, address it immediately using the following suggestions. First, keep the affected area clean. Even if it hurts, continue brushing your teeth and flossing each day…. Read more »
Your Regular Dental Check Up Is Critical for Good Oral Health
Maintaining good oral health requires several important factors. While brushing and flossing are critical first steps for maintaining good oral health, your regular dental checkup is equally important for maintaining it in the long-term, and catching minor problems before they can become something serious. The first part of the dental check up involves a hygienist… Read more »
Do You Have Cold Sores?
Have you ever had blisters on the outside of your mouth that come up when you are stressed? You may have cold sores, or fever blisters, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2). These are contagious blisters, which start out as blisters and then crust over. Before they erupt, you may… Read more »
Save Your Oral Health by Looking for These Signs of Gum Disease
Gum disease is a serious and dangerous dental problem that grows on your teeth, irritates the gums, and deteriorates your underlying bone. If the disease is left untreated, it could result in loose and lost teeth. This is a dental problem our team tries to prevent at all costs, which is why we provide six… Read more »
Your Wisdom Teeth: To Pull or Not to Pull
Your wisdom teeth, or third and final molars emerge typically between the ages of 17-21. Our ancestors had use for them because of their diet, but since our diets have evolved, so has our jaw, which is smaller than theirs were back then. Now we don’t require these back molars to chew our food. As… Read more »